NPSC Teacher Recruitment: 212 Vacancies, Last Date to Apply

NPSC Recruitment 2025: 200+ Vacancies for Teachers, Professors, and Librarians 18.7.25

NPSC Teacher Recruitment 2025: Attention teaching enthusiasts! The Nagaland Public Service Commission has unveiled an exciting chance for aspiring educators through its 2025 Teacher Recruitment Notification. This rare opportunity beckons fresh graduates to join the esteemed state government service in roles ranging from teachers and professors to lecturers and librarians. With a generous total of 212 vacancies up for grabs, qualified individuals are encouraged to seize this opening and play a vital role in shaping the future of the education sector.

NPSC Teacher Recruitment 2025 Quick Summary

TopicNPSC Teacher Recruitment
PostTeaching Jobs
Notification No.NPSC/EXAM-21/2023
Notification Date15.6.2025
Application Start Date21.6.2025
Application Last Date18.7.2025
Notification LinkPDF Download
Home PageClick Here

NPSC Teacher Recruitment 2025 Vacancy Details

Department of Higher Education

Name of the PostNo. of Vacancies
Asst. Professor (English)5
Asst. Professor (English)1
Asst. Professor B.Ed. College (English)1
Asst. Professor (Political Science)3
Asst. Professor (Economics)2
Asst. Professor (Philosophy)2
Asst. Professor (Education)2
Asst. Professor (Chemistry)1
Asst. Professor (Maths)1
Asst. Professor (Anthropology)1
Asst. Professor (Geography)1
Asst. Professor B.Ed. College (Social Science)1
Lecturer (Civil Engg.)3

Department of Technical Education

Lecturer (Automobile Engg.)1
Lecturer (Comp. Sci. Engg.)1
Lecturer (Physics)1

Department of SCERT

Lecturer (Chemistry)1
Lecturer (Maths)2
Lecturer (Sociology)1
Lecturer (Psychology)1
Work Exp. Teacher2

Department of School Education

Graduate Teacher (Science)76
Graduate Teacher (Maths)60

Backlog Vacancies of 2016: School Education Department

PGT (Maths)1
PGT (Physics)1

Backlog Vacancies of 2018: Higher Education Department

Asst. Professor (Physics)2

School Education Department

PGT (Hindi)1

Backlog Vacancies of 2019: Higher Education Department

Asst. Professor (History)1
Asst. Professor (Env. Science)1
Asst. Professor (Commerce)1
Asst. Professor (Statistics)1

College of Teachers Education under Higher Education Department

Asst. Professor (Child Studies)1
Asst. Professor (Education Social Science)1
Research Associate (Child Studies)1
Asst. Professor (Arts)1

Lecturer under Technical Education Department

Lecturer (Architecture)1
Lecturer (Interior Design)1

School Education Department

PGT (Comp. Sci.)2
PGT (Geography)2
PGT (Maths)3
PGT (Chemistry)1
PGT (Physics)3
PGT (Philosophy)1
Asst. Professor (History)1
Asst. Professor (English)1
Asst. Professor (Maths)1
Asst. Professor (Physics)1
Asst. Professor (Botany)1
Asst. Professor (Chemistry)1
Asst. Professor (English)1
Asst. Professor (Sociology)1
Asst. Professor (Zoology)1
Asst. Professor (Botany)1
Asst. Professor (Chemistry)1
Asst. Professor (English)1
Asst. Professor (Sociology)1
Asst. Professor (Zoology)1

NPSC Teacher Recruitment 2025 Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the 2025 NPSC job openings, individuals must meet certain qualifications. Those aspiring for the Assistant Professor position in English need a Master’s degree in English from an accredited institution with a minimum of 55% marks. Similarly, candidates interested in the Assistant Professor role in Political Science must possess a Master’s degree in Political Science with a score of at least 55%. For those aiming to become a Lecturer in Civil Engineering, a B.E/B.Tech degree in Civil Engineering with a 1st Class/1st Division is required. As for the Graduate Teacher position in Science, candidates must hold a B.Sc/M.Sc in Science with a minimum of 50% marks.

Candidates applying for any positions must fall within the age range of 21 to 30 years. It is recommended that individuals consult the official notification to understand the specific criteria for age relaxation.

NPSC Teacher Recruitment 2025 Monthly Salary

The NPSC Teacher Recruitment 2025 showcases a range of competitive monthly salaries across various positions. The salary framework for NPSC encompasses roles such as Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Graduate Teachers, Post Graduate Teachers, Librarians, and Research Associates. Assistant Professors enjoy a pay scale spanning from Rs. 57,700 to Rs. 200,700, while Lecturers have a salary bracket of Rs. 56,100 to Rs. 177,500. Graduate Teachers, Post Graduate Teachers, Librarians, and Research Associates all share a salary range from Rs. 40,800 to Rs. 129,200. These salary offerings underscore the significance attributed to education and research within the NPSC, serving as a magnet for top-tier talent in these crucial capacities.

NPSC Teacher Recruitment 2025: How to Apply Online?

Commence the process of applying for the NPSC Teacher Recruitment 2025 by accessing the official NPSC website at Upon arrival at the site, head to the recruitment segment where the application gateway awaits. Provide precise details, encompassing your name, educational background, and any other essential particulars sought. Ensure preparedness with all requisite paperwork, including certificates and identification cards, for uploading alongside your application. Following the completion of the form and attachment of mandatory documents, progress to settle the application fee, if deemed necessary. Upon fulfilling all requisites, meticulously scrutinize your application for correctness prior to its submission.