महोबा केवी बालवाटिका प्रवेश 2025-26 पंजीकरण अंतिम तिथि
To stay informed about the admission procedure for Balvatika classes at Mahoba Kendriya Vidyalaya, kindly check this page frequently for the latest news on online registration, the date and outcomes of the lottery draw, the initial selection list, and other relevant information.
PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya Mahoba has announced the results of the Class 1 admission lottery draw for the academic year 2025-26 today, March 25, 2025, at 3:30 PM. This announcement pertains to registered candidates under the RTE category. Please click to access the Post Lottery Admission List in PDF format
Mahoba KV Balvatika Admission 2025-26 Highlights
KV School Name
Admission Academic Year
KV Mahoba Region
MahobaKV Code
KV Mahoba School Code
KV Mahoba Affiliation Code
KV Mahoba UDISE Code
KV Mahoba PM Shree School
KV Mahoba Balvatika-3 Vacancy
KV Mahoba Class-1 Vacancy
80 (2 Section)
KV Mahoba Address
Bilbai Road behind village mulla ka khuda , Mahoba